Park, Hyeong-Jung, Senior Researcher

Current Status

Senior researcher at the Korea Institute of National Unification (KINU) park_hyeong-jung

Curriculum Vitae

Currently a senior researcher at the Korea Institute of National Unification, Dr. Park Hyeong Jung received his PhD from the University of Marburg, Germany in Political Science. His main fields of research include politics and economy of North Korea, comparative analysis of socialism, Inter-Korean relationships and the Korean-US relationships. He also researched about the latter, when he stayed as a visiting scholar at Brookings Institute in US. Dr. Park has written several books on politic and economic issues of North Korea, like A Reevaluation of Changes in North Korea and a Direction for North Korea Policy, Co-author (Seoul: KINU, 2009), ROK-US Relations, North Korea and Northeast Asia, (Seoul: KINU, 2007) or Aid, Development, and Assistance: The Level of International Debate and Lessons for North Korea Policy, (Seoul: Haenam Publishing Co., 2007).

An annotated list of publications can be requested at